Friday, October 24, 2014

Special Post: Dakota's Tattoos!

Thanks for the amazing post to Everything Dakota Johnson Team :)

How many of you know about Dakota's tattoos? How many does she have? Does she, at all? The answer is yes. She has a lot of different tattoos because she is a big fan of this body art, so today I am going to show them to you.

One of the most “known” tattoos she has is the one on her arm. The tattoos says “Acta Non Verba" which is Latin for “Deeds Not Words”.

The second tattoo she has is on her right foot and it says “Look At The Moon”, sorrounded by little stars. This tattoo might be split in two. Some people are sure these are two separate tattoos, I’m not sure either.

She also has some swallows on her right shoulder.

She also has some more hidden tattoos. She has one near her ear and one in the back of her neck, which says the word love in spanish, "Amor".

Dakota added to her collection of tattoos the quote "Ligtly, my darling" from "Island" by Aldous Huxley, right near her wrist on her left arm.


Recently, Dakota added this beautiful masterpiece to her collection. A nice lil. "it's a lil fucked up, but it's still a flower, like me" on her right arm. Also, you can have some hints of her "Tender" tattoo right next to her lil.


Some of Dakota's recent tattoos are the phrase "I Love You" and a beautiful and subtle drawing of an Infinity.



  1. Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read.

    1. I'm so glad that you enjoy with these types of posts and with the blog in general. Thank you so much for your words, really, they are very important to us :)

  2. Amasing that we not see the tattoo on the movie

  3. Some of Dakota's tats have been updated. Lightly My Darling is now darkened. Her new lil tat has the word tender just to the left of it.
    One question? Does anyone know what the tat behind her right ear is? I've been so curious about it since I started reading this wonderful site. Thanks so much for all the beauty that is Ms. Dakota!

  4. I am amazed @ how great an actress I feel Ms Johnson is but haven't been able to see suspiria as it only played 1 weekend @ I theater in nw Arkansad. Will it be released on DVD soon?

  5. I have recently found out that Dakota Johnson and her teatime movie picture production and her silhouette movie company they are both back by one of the biggest p*** Distributors that there is analog she is in p*** movies now producing p*** movies what she is is a rich s*** she disappointed me totally totally I can appreciate the naked body and everything else I just don't understand you know why she's got to do porm it's f****** cheap and sleazy nothing but death comes from it and she's using the women I've got copies of videos where they're using heroin the drug these girls to do p*** and that's what their Company If You Dig in and see who backs her and their company and what they're about you'll be very disappointed very disappointed Dakota Johnson I'm really disgusted with you all that money you turned out to be a f****** sleaze ball

  6. I recently found out the Dakotas teatime movie company is back by one of the biggest p*** Industries there is I have numbers she is in she now she is nothing but a poem Queen and don't nobody know it that's what they're producing mainly the other stuff is just a cover-up what they're really doing I've got numbers that you can punch you in your thing in your phone or computer you can pull up the pee pee p*** site you can pull up it's called deflowering where they're taken girls probably under age because of taking them and bust in the Cherry their virginity but first the doping them up with Heroin I can give you all the websites you can pull it up and look for yourself and see it when you look at the name of these little companies when you pull it up the biggest one is the one that backs Dakota and her little buddy there Ross I'm really disgusted Dakota because I've seen you in these new p*** movies I've seen you and you did sleep with that woman's husband when you said the aquarium and your little interview see you say some dumb s*** Dakota and that's why when they interviewed you for your house you went to that bookshelf and you pointed out sex in the Constitution that's for you little p*** company I think you're real trash I used to respect you but I think you've gone South you ain't nothing but a poem Queen just a rich f****** s*** that's what you are and you're doing Chris dirty you f***** him over you don't you don't you talk about truth and integrity you don't have any truth or Integrity you f****** low life with a lot of money

  7. Thank you for making such a wonderful blog for Dakota. As a fan, I really appreciate every effort you put on this project. Please keep the updates coming! love yah

  8. I love watching movies by Ms Dakota Johnson.. i hope more movies in this year 2021.. I adore you Ms. Dakota... Love you.

  9. Im from Philippines. I do hope you will visit Phillipines even do i cant see you in personal. Love you
